This splendid and extremely rare cardinal with an unusual pigmentation was spotted by a retired birdwatcher in Tennessee


This magnificent one-in-a-million cardinal beauty is out of this world!

An avid 68-year-old retired resident of Gallatin, Tennessee, was completely amazed to see some very fascinating and strange birds visiting his yard. He had always enjoyed bird watching, which was something of a hobby, but after many years he came across an incredible sighting. As he did every year, he planted sunflower seeds in his snow garden, but he could never have imagined catching such a rare and beautiful creature.

I was convinced that this was probably the most beautiful and magnificent bird one could ever hope to see. Other cardinals are usually bright red, but this one is definitely an exception, with dark eyes and no pigmentation in its feathers. This condition is called leukemia.

Esta maravillosa ave parecía sentirse atraída por las semillas de girasol que el observador de aves arrojó al jardín. En ese momento, apareció el pájaro. El pájaro permaneció allí por menos de unos minutos, pero el hombre fascinado logró obtener una imagen. Desde entonces, no se ha vuelto a ver al pájaro. ¡También puedes presenciar la hermosa criatura a continuación!

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