Pray This Powerful Prayer for Calm During A Storm.


Is there deep trouble in your life right now? Are you facing many trials at once? When the storm comes raging, it’s tempting to think all is lost. But wait… and remember.

Go back to the bedrock of your faith. Remember who Jesus is and what he has done for you.

Remember who he is — the Son of God — your Savior. Seek shelter in his grace to give you calm and guide your actions.

You won’t find absolute rest in how people treat you or react. A situation won’t give you lasting comfort.

Instead, trust in the owner and giver of true peace. After the storm passes, there will be fallen tress and debris, but your faith will remain. It will grow deeper and stronger. Trust in this process.

Oh loving Lord,

The wind and rain come down fast and hard, clouds darken against me. Won’t you help me?

Send me your protection and peace against the chaos.

May your grace cover and calm my heart even in the uncertainty.


Send your Spirit to show me that no mater what happens my soul is at rest in the love and mercy of Christ Jesus.

May I wait when I must wait, act when I must act.

Let patience and clarity keep my mind focused on your will.

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This only happens if I trust you and seek you. So here I am, oh loving Lord, at your feet,

under your wing until the storm passes.

In Jesus name,


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