Puppies abandoned like a trash finds a loving homes

I worked at a state park in Nevada, USA, where we regularly found abandoned animals. People thought that someone visiting the park would find them and take them home. Only adults were found; no kittens or puppies. We found a box that once contained puppies and kittens. There was no mystery. There was a large … Read more

Saved two beautiful puppies 3 weeks old

I have lost almost all faith in humanity. People are horrible. What a bad life to do that to a puppy. I wish good things to all of you who have saved so many animals. Thank you for finding people in desperate need. You guys are the best. Keep going, keep going.

12 Touching Animal Rescues That Will Break Your Heart

Today we will look at some amazing and inspiring animal rescue stories (dogs, cats and wild animals) from the year 2022. Cats, dogs and completely wild species will be featured. The stories are mixed and you can scroll through some familiar stories and some less interesting ones. You will find many heartwarming and heartwarming animal … Read more

14 Touching Animal Rescues That Will Break Your Heart

Welcome to en.fikirsaati.net, where you can find the latest animal rescue stories from around the world. Today we are going to see some amazing and inspiring animal rescue stories (dogs, cats and wild animals) from the year 2022. We will show cats, dogs and whole wild species. The stories are mixed and you can scroll … Read more