Big man who didn’t like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them


Bobby Humphries is a competitive bodybuilder. He doesn’t like small dogs.

According to the man, he is actually a big animal lover and likes big dogs.

Big man who didn't like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them

Humphreys has a puppy at home, which he didn’t like very much, but his wife did.

However, Humphreys’ opinion changed completely.

A week after the wedding, the man injured his shoulder while training and required surgery.

After the injury, Humphreys became depressed.

Big man who didn't like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them

As the bodybuilder’s shoulder recovered, he tried to pull himself out of his misery, but the depression grew stronger and he couldn’t do it.

Everything looked bad for Humphreys until a friend called him and said, “Can my Mrs. (dog) stay with you for a while?” Everything looked bad until his friend called him and said, “Can my lady (dog) stay with you for a while?”.

Humphreys had heard about his friend’s pet and didn’t want to see him, but this time he had to.

Big man who didn't like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them

The man wanted to thank his friend for supporting him during a difficult time, so he kept the dog for a while.

One day, Humphreys came home from work and saw his pet sitting under the TV.

After about 15 minutes, his wife decided to see what her husband was doing and was surprised to see the little dog already in his arms.

Big man who didn't like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them

In a matter of months, the bodybuilder and the little dog became best friends.

Humphreys says of the dog, “She not only changed my mind, she changed my life.”

She gave me back my self-esteem. After everything that had happened to me, the embarrassment, the loss of motivation, the dog brought me back to life and made me realize that I wasn’t so bad.”

There were days when the man was too lazy to get out of bed.

At those times, it was good to have a pet to help and pass the time.

Big man who didn't like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them

From time to time, a dog owner, a friend of the bodybuilder, would come by to check on his pet.

Humphreys was often seen lying in bed with his dog.

The man began to think about getting a pet of his own.

After all, his friend’s dog would not be with him forever, but he already had an attachment to the animal.

Humphreys wasn’t particularly picky about the breed.

He just wanted someone who looked like his current pet.

Big man who didn't like small dogs was saved by a chihuahua and dedicated his life to rescuing them

The bodybuilder managed to find a one-year-old Chihuahua named Kira.

She looked like a friend’s dog in color.

Other pets followed: Harley and Quinn.

Humphreys began breeding and raising his own pets.

He vowed never to allow his pets to be cruel. The man would love them no matter what.

So Humphreys began keeping animals that no one else wanted to “adopt.”

He is eager to prove that any pet deserves affection, love and respect.

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