Abandoned Puppy was Thrown in the Dumpster and Struggling to Survive Until This Happened


Thanks to everyone who supported us and him during this journey. We called him Courage. We called him “Courage” because he showed no fear in any situation, even when we found out he was in critical condition.

Unfortunately, Courage did not succeed. He spent time in an isolated room with a veterinarian who monitored him 24/7. However, his heart stopped overnight….. At first, the medication was semi-effective and stabilized him, but then the damage to his organs was so severe that he could not recover.

He fought to the end. The doctors and we did everything we could. Parovirus disease is very deadly for puppies and young dogs and must be treated as soon as symptoms appear. It doesn’t matter if your dog is vaccinated. If you have a dog or are thinking about getting one, be careful. Signs that they may have Pvirosis are lack of appetite for food and water, diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the stool.

Courage is forever in our hearts.

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